Vehicle Search
  • * As designated for the purposes of section 165 of the Equality Act 2010.

Private Hire Vehicle Register

Licence NumberRegistration NumberOperator NameAccessibilityIssuedCommencesExpires
PV0241GY10 XWOS H Collections Acc Ltd t/a Max Cars Accrington Ltd01/10/202415/10/202414/04/2025
PV0242BT63 FPVK Cars Ltd11/11/202422/09/202422/03/2025
PV0244FD10 GUHK Cars Ltd17/12/202425/12/202424/06/2025
PV0245GJ10 OPKZoom10/10/202428/10/202427/04/2025
PV0246EF63 AKXS H Collections Acc Ltd t/a Max Cars Accrington Ltd14/10/202429/10/202428/04/2025
PV0247YG67 RNUS H Collections Acc Ltd t/a Max Cars Accrington Ltd18/07/202407/08/202406/02/2025
PV0249SA59 XYXRawal Private Hire28/08/202429/07/202428/02/2025
PV0250KO24 JLVS H Collections Acc Ltd t/a Max Cars Accrington Ltd04/12/202404/12/202425/11/2025
PV0251AK65 PMOAdventure Private Transport06/09/202406/09/202405/03/2025
PV0252AE65 PWORawal Private Hire27/11/202427/11/202426/05/2025
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